Stories of Success
"When I first started career coaching I had a very rough idea of what I wanted but not a true vision or path. After working with Sarah I learned my skills that will translate well into a job as well as what is important to me in a job and workplace. I was able to hone my skills and really know what I wanted in life for my career. After just a month I had numerous interviews and was able to accept an amazing offer."
~Jordan Z, Cloquet, MN
"Working with Sarah was an exceptional career coaching experience from start to finish. Sarah is empathetic and curious about her clients, making sure to ask the right questions and share the right assessments for maximum impact. I've discovered things about myself during my time with Sarah that I don't think I ever would have known without her dedicated coaching help."
~ Lindsey K., Chicago, Illinois
"My parents wanted me to see Sarah for some guidance on figuring out what to do for higher education out of high school. I was skeptical at first, never been too much an advocate for counseling, though my doubts quickly vanished. Sarah helped me discover much more about who I am and my capabilities, helping me efficiently work through all my anxieties and guided me to make my own decisions with confidence. I highly recommend any students/future students that have some anxiety about where they're headed in life to speak with Sarah."
~ Simon G., Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Sarah helped me discover and clarify what direction I was going in and the skills and strengths that will help me get there. Her services are professional and she was patient and caring during our sessions. Thanks to Sarah's help, I gained the courage to pursue my dream of starting my own business, which continues to grow and thrive."
~Erin, Duluth, Minnesota
"If I had to choose one word to describe the first semester of my PhD program, it would be "panic". I was overwhelmed by information overload, competition with my peers, and the pressure to pass qualifying exams. I sought help from Sarah because I knew that at the rate I was going, if I did not make changes, I would never complete the necessary requirements to advance in my PhD. Through working with Sarah, I made a complete 180. Sarah helped me find value in my work, rather than pressure. By working together on mindset and stress management, I let go of perfection, began to appreciate the "ebb and flow" of life, and was ultimately able to make academic and personal progress that I am proud of. Sarah's qualifications really shine through in our conversations, and I am consistently impressed by what a difference our phone calls make. Reaching out to Sarah was the best thing I did for myself in the last year, and I fully recommend her services to anyone."
~Maddie A., Washington, D.C.
"I came to the decision that I needed a life coach because, despite having great success in every endeavor I pursued in the past, I found myself both unable and unwilling to face the trials that still existed before me. I was too stressed (to the point of downright fear) to plan ahead, to stop procrastinating, or to even study for my college classes as much as I knew that I should. Sarah taught me how to drop this "fear mindset", and focus on being more positive as far as my progress towards my current goals. This helped me tremendously, as, once I was able to conquer the fear aspect of studying, I was able to easily focus on school and managed to drastically improve my current academic standing, after a year of flailing about and looking for small temporary solutions. It is super important to remember that, no matter how much success you have managed to achieve in the past, no one person is an island. Sometimes we need the assistance of others in order to get us back on the right track. The services that Sarah provided were easily worth the investment, without a doubt."
~Justin V., Baton Rouge, Louisiana
"I met Sarah at a time of major transition. Her intuitive listening and empowering questions helped me see the pieces of my life differently. My work with her has given me the clarity, confidence and courage to create a career path with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. If you are looking for someone to help you navigate college or career decisions, give her a call!"
~Kari Becken, Core Energy Transitions Coach, Duluth, MN
"I decided to focus my work with Sarah on my upcoming pharmacy rotations and how to get through them successfully. I was nervous about the rotations because it would result in me moving around to different locations, and encompassed a lot of change which I have never been good at dealing with. I really appreciated Sarah's ability to listen to my concerns and respond with helpful exercises and activities. She was always prepared for our sessions and wanted me to get the most out of them. I looked forward to our sessions because they were valuable and refreshing, and I started my rotations with an eager outlook. It has been really nice getting to know Sarah, and we still keep in touch as I update her on my rotation status. If you are facing an obstacle or challenge, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend life coaching with Sarah."
~Chelsey E., Duluth, Minnesota
"I had accumulated too many papers and belongings that were no longer needed. It seemed there was no answer to what to do with all my papers. Sarah coached me on decluttering and downsizing, and now I have a strategy that I continue to use. What I liked most was the personalized approach; it wasn’t one-size-fits-all. With the help of her insight, we found the best process for me, including concrete action steps. After a few coaching sessions, I have successfully decluttered and organized my kitchen table, dining table, coat closet, stairway, and office desktop. What’s more, they have stayed decluttered!"
~Kristen O., St. Paul, Minnesota
"As a self-employed therapist, a full-time mom of two young active boys, and a life coach-in-training, establishing and maintaining a healthy life-work balance is an ongoing struggle. Sarah has been instrumental in helping me to develop greater awareness as well as specific action steps to stay on the desired course of life change. Her energy and commitment to my process revitalizes me each session, and inspires me to carry out my vision for change in duration between. Our sessions have helped me renew a commitment to myself, as well as hold me accountable, to re-prioritizing what is of real importance in daily life. Sarah’s insight helped me to gain a different perspective allowing me to create a shift in certain areas where I was previously “stuck”. This process has shown me the need and the way to “get off the hamster wheel” of my life, and embark on a course for the life I want for my family and myself."
~Jennifer K., Bordentown, New Jersey