Your Student
Life Coach
Student Life Coaching Plans
Individual Student Life Coaching sessions are 45 minutes each and are scheduled at the beginning of each semester. Fall Semester Student Life Coaching sessions are scheduled around your classes September-December and Spring Semester coaching is scheduled from mid-January to mid-May. Each plan includes free access to live and/or recorded Webinars.
Two Session Plan: College Success Coaching twice per month. $180/month, $720/semester
Four Session Plan: College Success Coaching weekly. $300/month, $1200/semester
Group Coaching Plan: Participate in a College Success Coaching Community by phone with 5 other students. Four one-hour meetings per month of each semester. $500/semester
Ready to sign up? Have some questions? Want a customized plan? Contact Sarah VanderMeiden.
Not interested in a plan? You can still access recorded Webinars of your choice for $30 each.